
Experts in measurement, analysis, and calibration of Time & Frequency

Pendulum Instruments的所有成就和声誉都依赖于我们的员工和团队。 我们的品牌代表着可靠性和质量,我们的员工也是如此。 我们团队的高素质是Pendulum Instruments 全球成功和地位的最好的证明。 我们的团队知识广博、值得信任、善于沟通,灵活并且始终关注客户。 请与我们的销售和支持团队联系,无论项目大小, 他们都随时准备给您提供支持。


Pendulum Instruments公司的历史可以追溯到20世纪50年代,当时是Philips公司测试和测量部门的瑞典分公司。 Pendulum Instruments 于1998年独立出来,并通过自己发展以及并购获得大幅增长。 公司目前在波兰,瑞典, 美国和中国设有分公司或者代表处,在所有大洲的100多个国家有代理商或者销售代表, 有的国家也设有服务中心。


今天,我们的产品服务全球约100个国家, 满足计量、航空航天和国防、电信、振荡器制造、射频微波、电子工业和制造商, 以及汽车电子等行业客户的需求。


Pendulum Instruments公司产品多次被 T&M World 杂志授予“最佳测试”荣誉奖,而且被 “Elektronik i Norden” 杂志授予“年度电子公司”。 Pendulum Instruments与 a.o. Fluke 和其他全球大型 T&M 公司建立了战略联盟。

公司的日常运作取决于对环境的责任(尽量减少污染和废物的产生)。 工作和生产组织遵循“零事故”政策,严格遵守健康、安全和环境标准。 关键的发展行为准则强调技术革新和人力资本投资同等重要。 

我们的目标是为员工提供最佳的工作环境和发展前景。 我们希望与员工分享Pendulum Instruments 基于合作、社区和尊重环境的价值观。 我们致力于Pendulum Instruments是每个人都能自由发挥自身潜能的地方。 

我们的频率计/分析仪,结合Timeview软件可以进行调制域分析,并且具有射频脉冲选件可以分析雷达脉冲信号,在许多世界顶尖的国防军工电子产品客户中都有应用。 主要的测试对象是射频微波领域的无线电设备,比如无线电通讯、导弹制导、雷达和导航设备等。 与传统示波器和频谱分析仪相比,调制域分析可以给出被测信号的更多信息,比如变频, 跳频,频率切换,锁相环控制回路,振荡器的短期稳定度(ADEV),线性调频雷达的频率分析,  等等。 

我们是全球国防客户频率计数器产品的固定供应商  主要应用在维修维护和计量校准领域,到目前为止,至少卖出4000多台频率计给客户。 



对于大多数世界领先的高端晶体振荡器的制造厂商,无论来自于日本包括亚太地区,俄罗斯,还是欧洲到美国,都在使用Pendulum Instruments公司的频率计数器进行生产测试,得益于频率计非常快的测量速度和很高的测量分辨率可以让晶振厂家得到最大的系统测试吞吐量。

对于研发类型的客户,Pendulum Instruments 频率计数器/分析仪配合TimeViewTM 调制域分析软件,可以在调制域(频率 vs 时间)对锁相环和频率合成器进行分析,验证振荡器的短期稳定性(ADEV)、预热稳定性、漂移(TIE, MTIE)  等等。 





Łukasz Feldmann

Operations Director

Multiple years of experience in production of electronics equipment. Quality and continuous improvement driven. Graduated with Master of Science of Electronics and Automatics.
Harald Kruger

Global Sales Director

Multiple years of sales experience within T&M market and business development. Global Sales Director and responsible for Japan and Vietnam as well as the Middle East except for Israel.
Staffan Johansson

Senior Product Manager

39 years experience in marketing and product management in T&M.
Hongbo Nie

Area Sales Manager

Multiple years of experience in sales within the T&M market. Sales Manager for China, Taiwan and Hongkong.
Krzysztof Mazur

Area Sales Manager

Multiple years of international sales within the T&M market. Area Sales Manager for Central and East Europe and Israel.
Liisa Puranen

Sales and Marketing Director

A wealth of experience in leading international sales and marketing teams working with both B2B and B2C sectors. Masters degree in marketing and international business
Eva Chapa

Sales US, Canada and Latin America

Long-standing experience with T&M and sales.
Ewa Bartłomiejczyk

Area Sales Manager & Marketing Coordinator

Area Sales Manager for Asia (excl. Japan, Vietnam, China, Taiwan and Hongkong) and Australia and New Zealand. Experience with T&M and sales support.
Mike Venter

Sales/Business Development, North America

Multiple years of sales experience within T&M market, including product and business development.


我们的频率计/分析仪,结合Timeview软件可以进行调制域分析,并且具有射频脉冲选件可以分析雷达脉冲信号,在许多世界顶尖的国防军工电子产品客户中都有应用。 主要的测试对象是射频微波领域的无线电设备,比如无线电通讯、导弹制导、雷达和导航设备等。 与传统示波器和频谱分析仪相比,调制域分析可以给出被测信号的更多信息,比如变频, 跳频,频率切换,锁相环控制回路,振荡器的短期稳定度(ADEV),线性调频雷达的频率分析,  等等。

我们是全球国防客户频率计数器产品的固定供应商  主要应用在维修维护和计量校准领域,到目前为止,至少卖出4000多台频率计给客户。





对于大多数世界领先的高端晶体振荡器的制造厂商,无论来自于日本包括亚太地区,俄罗斯,还是欧洲到美国,都在使用Pendulum Instruments公司的频率计数器进行生产测试,得益于频率计非常快的测量速度和很高的测量分辨率可以让晶振厂家得到最大的系统测试吞吐量。

对于研发类型的客户,Pendulum Instruments 频率计数器/分析仪配合TimeViewTM 调制域分析软件,可以在调制域(频率 vs 时间)对锁相环和频率合成器进行分析,验证振荡器的短期稳定性(ADEV)、预热稳定性、漂移(TIE, MTIE)  等等。







Our products are found in various research institutes and advanced universities all around the world. You will find them in Aerospace science labs, for example NASA, Jet Propulsion Laboratories, and ESA. In Advanced time and frequency labs like NIST, RISE, NICT. In Physical Research labs like John Hopkins APL, AIST, and in the majority of all major universities in Asia, Europe and North America. Our Frequency Counter/Analyzers are used for ultra-high speed, high resolution time / frequency measurements and analysis in various physical research, and our High-Voltage Linear amplifiers find their way to high-voltage science labs for material science research, whether national labs, universities, or company internal research labs, like Samsung.

Sometimes our Frequency standards supply the reference frequency to these labs, with frequency distribution to multiple research benches.


The Pendulum products are popular affordable, high-resolution and easy-to-use tools in various electronic industries around the world, for example many of the major consumer electronics companies, world-leading contract manufacturers, electronic RF & Microwave component manufacturers (for example radar sensors for speed control), other global test & measurement companies, medical electronics industries, automotive electronics industry, and more. Frequency Counters are used in production as a high-performance, yet an affordable, tool for verification of basic time and frequency parameters, with ultimate measurement speed for high throughput. Sometimes our Frequency standards supply the reference frequency to the test system. In R&D, the Modulation Domain Analysis adds new insight into the behavior of the design in the modulation domain, which traditional oscilloscopes and Spectrum Analyzers cannot give.

Our EMC Scanners make affordable pre-compliance EMC measurements, improving design, reducing time-to-market, and eliminating costly re-visits to the accredited EMC test lab.

For industries requiring high-voltage stimuli our High Voltage Linear amplifiers can boost low level signals to the level required for e.g. LCD, plasma, OLED, MEMS, and Piezo-electric testing.

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